本站 8 月 14 日消息,7-zip 是一款小伙伴们特别熟悉的压缩软件,不过日前有网友消息称,百度搜索引擎悄然拦截了 7-zip 的官网,认定其为恶意网站。本站经过查证得知,目前在百度搜索中输入 7-zip 后,所弹出来的第一个结果是“竞价排名”的竞品压缩软件广告,第二个结果则是第三方软件下载站提供的 7-zip 软件,其中还存在着某杀毒软件的捆绑“套路”,第三、第四个结果同样也是“竞价排名”的竞品压缩软件广告,直到第六个才是 7-zip 的官方网站,不过该网站却标有“百度网址安全中心提醒您:该站点可能受到黑客攻击,部分页面已被非法篡改!”字样。
▲ 百度搜索 7-Zip 获得的结果,第一眼都是“竞价排名”广告,官方难寻觅。
▲ 搜索引擎第六个才是 7-Zip 的官网,但被提示为“风险网站”
▲ 百度将搜索引擎中的 7-Zip 官网重定向到自家的“网址安全中心”中,提示 7-Zip 官网有风险
▲ 图源百度网址安全中心早前本站就此事发送邮件至百度网址安全中心,但截至发稿,暂未收到回复。而针对“百度拦截 7-Zip 官网”一事,有网友认为是由于网站使用“http”而非“https”因此招致拦截,也有网友认为是由于 7-Zip 官网没有备案,从而被搜索引擎提示风险。但究竟百度出于何种原因拦截 7-Zip 官网,目前还不得而知,以下是 7-Zip 官网的网页源码,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以尝试从中找到“含有风险”的内容:
Home7z FormatLZMA SDKDownloadFAQSupportLinksEnglishChinese Simpl.Chinese Trad.EsperantoFrenchGermanIndonesianJapanesePersianPortuguese BrazilSpanishThaiVietnamese7-Zip7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.Download 7-Zip 23.01 (2023-06-20) for Windows: Link Type Windows Size Download .exe 64-bit x64 1.5 MB Download .exe 32-bit x86 1.2 MB Download .exe 64-bit ARM64 1.5 MB License7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license.Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code.Read 7-Zip License information. You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don’t need to register or pay for 7-Zip.The main features of 7-Zip High compression ratio in 7z format with LZMA and LZMA2 compression Supported formats: Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM Unpacking only: APFS, AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS, IHEX, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, QCOW2, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, UEFI, VDI, VHD, VHDX, VMDK, XAR and Z. For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip Strong AES-256 encryption in 7z and ZIP formats Self-extracting capability for 7z format Integration with Windows Shell Powerful File Manager Powerful command line version Plugin for FAR Manager Localizations for 87 languages7-Zip works in Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2022 / 2019 / 2016 / 2012 / 2008 / 2003 / 2000.p7zip – the port of the command line version of 7-Zip to Linux/Posix.On 7-Zip’s SourceForge Page you can find a forum, bug reports, and feature request systems.Compression ratioWe compared 7-Zip with WinRAR 5.20.FILE SETS: Mozilla Firefox 34.0.5 for Windows and Google Earth for Windows. Archiver Mozilla Firefox Google Earth 65 files85 280 391 bytes 483 files110 700 519 bytes Compressed size Ratio Compressed size Ratio 7-Zip 9.35-mx 39 357 375 100% 15 964 369 100% WinRAR 5.20-m5 -s -ma5 -md128m 41 789 543 106% 17 035 432 107% Compression ratio results are very dependent upon the data used for the tests. Usually, 7-Zip compresses to 7z format 30-70% better than to zip format.And 7-Zip compresses to zip format 2-10% better than most of other zip compatible programs. 7-Zip 23.01 2023-06-20 7-Zip 23.01 7-Zip 23.00 2023-05-07 7-Zip 23.00 7-Zip 22.01 2022-07-15 7-Zip 22.01 7-Zip ChangeLog History of 7-zip changes Copyright (C) 2023 Igor Pavlov.广告声明:文内含有的对外跳转链接(包括不限于超链接、二维码、口令等形式),用于传递更多信息,节省甄选时间,结果仅供参考,本站所有文章均包含本声明。
以上就是百度拦截 7-Zip 压缩软件官网,认定其为恶意网站的详细内容,更多请关注有卡有网