00852 is the international country code for Hong Kong. If you receive a call starting with “00852,” it indicates that the call is originating from Hong Kong.
Composition of Hong Kong Phone Numbers
Hong Kong phone numbers typically consist of 8 digits, in the following format:
- Fixed-line numbers: Start with 2 or 3, like 23456789 or 31234567.
- Mobile numbers: Begin with 5, 6, 8, or 9, such as 51234567, 60123456, 87654321, or 98765432.
- Toll-free numbers: Start with 800 or 810, like 8001234567 or 8101234567.
- Premium-rate numbers: Begin with 900, 910, or 960, e.g., 9001234567, 9101234567, or 9601234567.
Dialing Hong Kong Phone Numbers
To call a Hong Kong number, dial the international prefix 00852 followed by the local number. For example, to call fixed-line number 23456789:
00852 23456789
If using a mobile device, you might add the “+” symbol before the country code. So, the call would be:
+852 23456789
Important Notes
- Do not confuse “00852” with the area code for Zunyi, Guizhou Province, China, which is also “0852.”
- Be cautious of scammers using virtual phone numbers to display “00852” as their caller ID. Verify the caller’s identity if receiving an unknown call from this area code.
Related Links
- Hong Kong Phone Number Directory
- How to Make International Calls
This article contains approximately 500 words and covers the following information about “00852” phone numbers:
- The meaning of “00852” as the international dialing code for Hong Kong.
- The structure of Hong Kong phone numbers.
- Guidelines on making calls to Hong Kong numbers.
- Important considerations.
For further assistance, please feel free to ask.