

Discover your电信套餐 details through various methods:

1. Query via SMS

Send the message “108” to “10001” to check your current package rates.

2. Check on the Online Customer Service Platform

Log into China Telecom’s online service portal, and select “My Package” to view package details.

3. Inquiry through WeChat Service

Follow China Telecom’s official WeChat account, navigate to “My Services,” then click “My Package” for details.

4. Visit a Telecommunication Service Hall

Present your ID at any China Telecom service hall, where staff will assist with package inquiries.

5. Call Customer Support

Dial the China Telecom customer service hotline 10000, request for human support, and inquire about your package details.

Points to Note

  • Query methods may vary by region; refer to your local China Telecom office for specific instructions.
  • Package fees might change; it’s advisable to confirm with the latest query results.
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