

Discover the Telecommunication 30 Yuan Plan, designed for budget-conscious individuals who appreciate practical features at an affordable price. This plan has gained popularity due to its economical value. Let’s delve into its details.

Plan Inclusions

The Telecommunication 30 Yuan Plan comprises:

  • Domestic Voice Calls: 300 minutes per month
  • Domestic Data: 3GB per month
  • Domestic SMS: 300 messages per month
  • Value-Added Services: 189 Email, Tianyi Cloud Disk, and more

Charges and Pricing

  • Monthly Plan Fee: 30 Yuan per month
  • First Month Offer: 10 Yuan per month
  • Additional Fees:
    • Supplementary Card Fee: 10 Yuan per month per card
    • Over-limit Charges:
      • Domestic Voice Calls: 0.15 Yuan per minute
      • Domestic Data: 0.1 Yuan per MB
      • Domestic SMS: 0.1 Yuan per message

Target Audience

This plan suits:

  • Budget-savvy users with basic voice, data, and SMS requirements
  • Individuals frequently using social apps like WeChat and QQ for voice and video calls
  • Users needing services like email and cloud storage

Value-for-Money Assessment

Priced at only 30 Yuan per month, this plan is competitively priced. With included voice minutes, data, and SMS catering to daily needs, plus complementary services, the Telecommunication 30 Yuan Plan offers excellent value.

Important Notes

  • This 30 Yuan Plan is a limited-time offer, subject to official Telecommunication announcements.
  • There are usage limits for voice, data, and SMS, with over-limit charges applying.
  • Supplementary cards incur extra fees.

The Telecommunication 30 Yuan Plan, with its affordability and practical features, presents a cost-effective choice, particularly for those with modest communication needs on a budget.

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